Loving Couple (or Loving Mother) is what we call our egg donation recipients. They are very special people who want to fulfill a dream of starting or continuing a family. New Frontier Surrogacy, LLC was established to enable our Loving Couples’ (and Loving Mothers’)dreams of building a family to come true! Why do they need our help? Because either they cannot or should not conceive due to medical or genetic problems or their age. Most reproductive endocrinologists will have a very limited number of donors unlike the extensive selection of donors available from New Frontier Surrogacy including egg donors and surrogates from out of state which means less chance of your child having children with a biological half-brother or half-sister they meet locally!
Most prospective egg donation recipients have already tried a number of methods to achieve pregnancy. If other methods have failed, it is very common to seek a compatible egg donor as the next logical step in the process. New Frontier Surrogacy works closely with our Loving Couples and Loving Mothers to achieve their goals by matching them with desirable egg donors based upon a variety of considerations: ethnicity, coloring, height, athleticism, intelligence, artistic ability, etc. An extensive interview is conducted to educate our recipients as to the issues they will be dealing with including the medical procedures involved, the process of locating suitable donors (and possibly surrogates) and the costs (including possible travel).